Natalia Cigliuti sexy in lingerie fashion

Cigliuti was born in New York City, New York. She started her acting career at the age of 14 after a local talent agency discovered her at a fashion show. At the age of 15, she landed her first series, playing the role of Lindsay Warner on Saved by the Bell: The New Class. This led to other television work, including a starring role on Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills 90210, Odd Man Out, The Random Years and numerous guest star appearances on programs such as CSI. Cigliuti joined the cast of the All My Children in February 2004, playing the role of Anita Santos. In March 2006, she was let go from AMC after only two years due to her declining storyline. She last aired on April 12. She is appearing in the TNT series Raising the Bar as Roberta "Bobbi" Gilardi.

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