Rianne ten Haken sexy in lingerie fashion

Rianne ten Haken is a Dutch SUPERmodel. She was born in Lelystad, Netherlands, and began modelling after she won the Elite Model Look. Elite found Haken when she was 14. A year later she was victorious in their 2001 contest in Nice, France. She prefers living in a large metropolitan area and has adopted New York City as her home. Her biggest success thusfar came at the end of 2003 when she was the subject of an editorial in German (language) Vogue. At the same time she appeared on the covers of Italian (language) Vogue and Numero. Her face is conspicuous in part because of her prominent lips and sensual smile. She has light brown hair and blue eyes. Haken is 5'11" (180.5 cm.). She is represented by Elite Model Management, Women Management, Storm Models, Traffic Models, Option Model Agency, and ScanElite. At the age of 17 in 2004 she appeared in an advertising campaign for Versace and Fornarina .

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