Coleen Mcloughlin sexy in lingerie fashion

Coleen Rooney (nee McLoughlin) is the wife of Manchester United F.C. and England football star Wayne Rooney. She was also one of the more prominent WAGs during the 2006 World Cup.Rooney proposed to Coleen on the forecourt of a BP garage in October 2003 when she was 17, presenting her with a £46,500 diamond engagement ring. Later that year, she left school before completing her A-levels because she landed a small part in Hollyoaks, the Merseyside television soap. “I was getting offered acting parts and I couldn’t take them because of my school work,” she said. The couple, dubbed Wayleen, moved into a new £1.3m mansion in nearby Formby. They now live in a £3.5 million mansion in Prestbury, Cheshire, complete with a cinema, gym and games room and American diner-themed kitchen. It also has seven plasma screen TVs and a £30,000 state-of-the-art security system.

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