Janice Dickinson sexy in lingerie fashion

Janice Doreen Dickinson is an American supermodel, fashion photographer, actress, author and agent. She opened her own modeling agency, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, after judging for four cycles on America's Next Top Model. Dickinson appeared with British model Abigail Clancey in Abbey & Janice: Beauty & The Best, a reality series detailing Clancey's attempt to break into the American modeling market. The show debuted in Britain on May 14, 2007 and premiered in the United States on the Oxygen television network on February 19, 2008. In November 2007, Dickinson became one of the celebrities taking part in the UK reality TV show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!. She was in team Snake Rock before the two teams of celebrities joined together. Dickinson competed in the first 'Bushtucker trial', but lost because of her phobia of eels.

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